
How to insert signature in word
How to insert signature in word

how to insert signature in word

In the pop-up window that appears, select the signature method: text, electronic signature, uploading an image / object from the device or photo to the webcam.In the right place of the document click “Signature”.

how to insert signature in word

Wait for the document load and click “Sign”.Select “Upload Document” or “Get from cloud” if the document is stored in a Dropbox cloud or Google Drive.You can sign in an electronic document and confirm its authenticity using the following method: How to insert a Signature in Word with DigiSigner The digital signature is a more advanced option that requires not only encryption but also obtaining a certificate of conformity. This attribute helps to prevent edits of the document by other people and other devices, as well as to confirm the integrity of the document’s content. The electronic signature is a document attribute providing information about the owner and his position.

How to insert signature in word